Holiday Lab, New Phenomenon, + Unannounced Observation!

Happy winter break!

I hope you are enjoying some downtime with family and friends as we gear up for the holidays!

It has been a very busy couple of weeks, but I did find some time to share how I started my unit on intermolecular forces and prepped for a holiday lab. I'll also give details on how my unannounced formal observation went.

Wishing you a very happy and healthy 2019!  See you next year!

Ms. Razz is an enthusiastic chemistry teacher in New Jersey.  She often counts herself to sleep at night using molecules or by reciting Avogadro's number. (For real.) She believes that every student has the power to learn anything, even chemistry.  After all, she remembers this hustle didn't always come easy to her. She's also a Teachers Pay Teachers seller and you can view and purchase her lessons here.

Using Card Sorts to Teach Chemistry

Surprise!  A mid-week vlog!

This week I share how I bulk up my card sorting activities to actually teach content!  Watch as I discuss how I taught the energetics of ionic bonding using a card sort.  I'll also share how I incorporated an easy way to help my students keep track of their journey through a card sort using Google slides.

I hope this week's vlog will help to support and encourage you as you invest your precious time creating student-centered experiences.  Thanks so much for watching!

Ms. Razz is an enthusiastic chemistry teacher in New Jersey.  She often counts herself to sleep at night using molecules or by reciting Avogadro's number. (For real.) She believes that every student has the power to learn anything, even chemistry.  After all, she remembers this hustle didn't always come easy to her. She's also a Teachers Pay Teachers seller and you can view and purchase her lessons here.

Changing How I Prepare for Parent-Teacher Conferences

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you had a wonderful long weekend filled with great food, family time, and awesome Black Friday sales.  This week I share my inspiration for how I created a more focused and organized parent-teacher conference.  I also share a quick and easy gratitude activity that you can do at any point during the holiday season.  

I hope you have a great week with your students!

Ms. Razz is an enthusiastic chemistry teacher in New Jersey.  She often counts herself to sleep at night using molecules or by reciting Avogadro's number. (For real.) She believes that every student has the power to learn anything, even chemistry.  After all, she remembers this hustle didn't always come easy to her. She's also a Teachers Pay Teachers seller and you can view and purchase her lessons here.

My Top 10 Tips for a Better UNIT MENU Experience

Hi again! Happy snowday.... errrr, I mean Sunday.

Did you get snow last week?  We sure did - and we even had a surprise early dismissal and school closing the following day!  I still can't believe we lost a snow day so early in the school year!

This week I am switching it up from my weekly vlog, and spending more time focusing on my unit menu design.  For those of you who are new around here, student choice and differentiation are staples in my classroom culture.  I really enjoy giving my students the power to choose the ways in which they learn and demonstrate their understanding.  This week, I suggest 10 tips to help you create a more meaningful experience for your students using unit menus.

Enjoy!  I know your students most certainly will!


Ms. Razz is an enthusiastic chemistry teacher in New Jersey.  She often counts herself to sleep at night using molecules or by reciting Avogadro's number. (For real.) She believes that every student has the power to learn anything, even chemistry.  After all, she remembers this hustle didn't always come easy to her. She's also a Teachers Pay Teachers seller and you can view and purchase her lessons here.

My First Formal Observation of the School Year | MsRazz ChemClass

It's my first formal observation of the school year!  Watch as I discuss what lesson I'll be doing, how I prepare, and how the observation went.  I'll also share how I create review videos using the 'FIZZ method.' 

I hope this week's vlog will help to support and encourage you as you prepare for your own formal observations.  Thanks so much for watching!

Ms. Razz is an enthusiastic chemistry teacher in New Jersey.  She often counts herself to sleep at night using molecules or by reciting Avogadro's number. (For real.) She believes that every student has the power to learn anything, even chemistry.  After all, she remembers this hustle didn't always come easy to her. She's also a Teachers Pay Teachers seller and you can view and purchase her lessons here.

School Violence Awareness Week and Reviewing for the FIRST Test

Hi again!

Test day is the best day?  I'm not so sure.  My students have always been very nervous on assessment days.  To alleviate some of the stress, a few years ago I started using weekly formative assessments and especially before a major assessment.  Of course, they've evolved over time - specifically into more tech-based assessments, but I truly think this has eased some of the stress associated with test day.

In this week's vlog, you'll watch as I help prepare my students for their first major test using a few different strategies.  Since this is also School Violence Awareness Week, I'll share the activities I prepared in support of violence prevention.

I hope this video will help you to create lessons that inspire your students to take an active role in school violence prevention as well as decrease some of the stress associated with test days.  Enjoy!

Ms. Razz is an enthusiastic chemistry teacher in New Jersey.  She often counts herself to sleep at night using molecules or by reciting Avogadro's number. (For real.) She believes that every student has the power to learn anything, even chemistry.  After all, she remembers this hustle didn't always come easy to her. She's also a Teachers Pay Teachers seller and you can view and purchase her lessons here.

Week of Respect and Starting a New Unit


Can you believe we are already into the month of October?  Although to be honest, the weather here in NJ feels more like it's June!

In this week's vlog, you'll watch as I provide details on my Week of Respect activities and see how I introduce my unit on light and electron configurations.  (Hint: It includes Phenomodeling!)  

It definitely was an exciting week filled with classroom community building and phenomena!  Enjoy!

Ms. Razz is an enthusiastic chemistry teacher in New Jersey.  She often counts herself to sleep at night using molecules or by reciting Avogadro's number. (For real.) She believes that every student has the power to learn anything, even chemistry.  After all, she remembers this hustle didn't always come easy to her. She's also a Teachers Pay Teachers seller and you can view and purchase her lessons here.

First Assessments and Unit Menu!

Happy Fall, ya'll!

In this week's vlog you'll watch as I help my students reflect on their learning with a series of formative assessments. I'll also show you my very first unit menu of the school year!  I hope this episode will inspire you to try some of the tech tools I've been using to create and administer these assessments. As always, I'd love to hear any questions or comments on this week's episode. Thank you so much for watching!

Ms. Razz is an enthusiastic chemistry teacher in New Jersey.  She often counts herself to sleep at night using molecules or by reciting Avogadro's number. (For real.) She believes that every student has the power to learn anything, even chemistry.  After all, she remembers this hustle didn't always come easy to her. She's also a Teachers Pay Teachers seller and you can view and purchase her lessons here.

First Week of School 2018!


I know many of you are back in full swing with school, but in New Jersey we always tend to start after Labor Day.  In this week's vlog I'll show you some exciting new things I'm trying with my students to promote a student-centered classroom culture.  I hope you'll gain some inspiration from seeing the activities I have planned!  Enjoy my back to school vlog!

Ms. Razz is an enthusiastic chemistry teacher in New Jersey.  She often counts herself to sleep at night using molecules or by reciting Avogadro's number. (For real.) She believes that every student has the power to learn anything, even chemistry.  After all, she remembers this hustle didn't always come easy to her. She's also a Teachers Pay Teachers seller and you can view and purchase her lessons here.

Cart Tour 2018!


If you're reading this and are already back in school, I hope you're off to a great start!  For those of us who aren't quite there yet, I hope you're enjoying your last couple of weeks of freedom!

The inspiration for this post came from the fact that every year I watch so many teachers doing classroom tours of their beautifully decorated classrooms that must have taken them literally weeks to prep.

So today, I'm taking it down a notch and doing my own CART tour!  If you are looking for ideas to make your hallway trips more manageable, this video will do the trick!  In this vlog, I will share what's on my cart to help keep me organized and ready to teach chemistry.

Not teaching from a cart?  No worries, there is something here for you too.  Enjoy some helpful tips and tricks for storage and some insight on what I'll be doing the first day of school AND at back to school night.


Ms. Razz is an enthusiastic chemistry teacher in New Jersey.  She often counts herself to sleep at night using molecules or by reciting Avogadro's number. (For real.) She believes that every student has the power to learn anything, even chemistry.  After all, she remembers this hustle didn't always come easy to her. She's also a Teachers Pay Teachers seller and you can view and purchase her lessons here.

2018 Back To School Giveaways!

"It'll be different this year."

Famous last words - right, teach?  Every back to school season I say this to myself because by the time spring break rolls around, I am running on fumes.  But no matter how many times I say it, I always seem to sell myself short.  I spend a tremendous amount of time working outside of the classroom.  Some of it is out of my control - because well, I don't have a classroom and I spend a lot of time making sure my plans are mobile (Any other cart teachers out there?).

What should I do about the things I can control?  I'm going to take a few cues from Shawn Achor on this one.  After reading his book, The Happiness Advantage, it's become painfully apparent that I've been doing this teacher overtime thing all wrong. So, what's a girl to do when she's not seeing results?  Do something different!  It's kind of sad actually, because I tell my students this all the time.  If you're not getting the results you want, do something different!  Then I usually follow up with the definition of insanity.  But, I digress.

So this year I am trying something different.  I want to increase my productivity and decrease my "teacher guilt."  In Achor's book, he talks about the importance of changing our mindset, investing in small successes, and the value of the 20-second rule in helping us reach our goals.  (If that last one intrigues you, you've got to read the book!)  So to capitalize on these ideas, I bought myself...

a planner!

My New Happy Planner - Teacher Edition 
A planner?  Hear me out.  At the beginning of the summer I put myself on a strict schedule of product creation and improvement for my Teachers Pay Teachers store.  I discovered that when I wrote down a schedule of things I needed to get done - I ACTUALLY DID THEM.  You're probably saying, "Can't you just write this stuff down on post-its?"  Of course, and I have, but I definitely didn't take as much pride in my list of things to do, nor did I feel as much satisfaction when I went to cross off each of my tasks.  I mean, when your planner could look like this, wouldn't you want one too?

How can you make this year less stressful and more productive than ever?  Well, Shawn Achor's answer would be to make sure you take time for yourself - journal, take a bath, have a nice glass of wine... and my two cents would be to do it in style.  And, speaking of a glass of wine and a bath:   Enter my giveaway below to win one of these, and many other items!  A total of five winners will be selected!  (Click the arrows below or watch my YouTube video to browse the different prizes and stay close to your e-mail on August 18th because that's when the winners will be chosen and I will need your shipping information.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Need some more help getting rid of the teacher guilt?  Seventeen secondary science sellers and I are getting together to celebrate back to school season with some pretty fantastic giveaways!  Win 1 of 4 $100.00 Teachers Pay Teachers gift cards!  To enter: blog hop to all the blogs shown below, construct the secret sentence, then enter it in the Rafflecopter giveaway box.  My word is #16 - world.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks so much for reading and good luck with the giveaways!

Ms. Razz is an enthusiastic chemistry teacher in New Jersey.  She often counts herself to sleep at night using molecules or by reciting Avogadro's number. (For real.) She believes that every student has the power to learn anything, even chemistry.  After all, she remembers this hustle didn't always come easy to her. She's also a Teachers Pay Teachers seller and you can view and purchase her lessons here.

5 Strategies to Help Your Students Create Models of Phenomena

Hi there!

This week I wanted to share with you a special vlog post where I summarize my top 5 tips and tricks to help your students create models of phenomena.  If you've been to some Next Generation Science Standards professional development, chances are you've participated in constructing a model for a system.  And even with that science degree under your belt, you probably had to stop and think about how and why the phenomenon happens.  It most likely didn't come easy for you; imagine what your students must feel like when you ask them to perform a similar task.  Fortunately, if you're looking to incorporate more modeling into your classroom or need some help with developing proper scaffolds for your students, this post can help!


Ms. Razz is an enthusiastic chemistry teacher in New Jersey.  She often counts herself to sleep at night using molecules or by reciting Avogadro's number. (For real.) She believes that every student has the power to learn anything, even chemistry.  After all, she remembers this hustle didn't always come easy to her. She's also a Teachers Pay Teachers seller and you can view and purchase her lessons here.

Create your own class set of whiteboards!

Hi all!

I'm slowly starting to get back into school-mode.  If you've been following my posts on Instagram, you know I've been reading some great books, taking some chemistry-inspired day trips, and creating new products.  But as you might expect, I get a tremendous amount of satisfaction preparing for a new school year.  One of the things I wanted to cross off my to-do list, was making some new whiteboards for my students.  These have lasted me about three years, but after moving from classroom to classroom, some of them are pretty scuffed up.

So this week, I headed to Home Depot and took you along for the ride.  I hope you enjoy this how-to guide for making your own class set of large whiteboards (and stands!) as well as some tips and tricks to help you use this powerful tool in your classroom.


Ms. Razz is an enthusiastic chemistry teacher in New Jersey.  She often counts herself to sleep at night using molecules or by reciting Avogadro's number. (For real.) She believes that every student has the power to learn anything, even chemistry.  After all, she remembers this hustle didn't always come easy to her. She's also a Teachers Pay Teachers seller and you can view and purchase her lessons here.

Summer Update: EOY, PD plans, and a New Product Line

Hi and Happy Summer!

I hope you are enjoying lots of time with friend and family, and are gearing up for a wonderful July 4th!  Enjoy a vlog on my end of year experiences, my professional development plans, and some exciting details for a new product line!

Don't forget to click *subscribe* to get my vlog updates even faster!

Thanks so much for watching!

Karen (MsRazz)

Ms. Razz is an enthusiastic chemistry teacher in New Jersey.  She often counts herself to sleep at night using molecules or by reciting Avogadro's number. (For real.) She believes that every student has the power to learn anything, even chemistry.  After all, she remembers this hustle didn't always come easy to her. She's also a Teachers Pay Teachers seller and you can view and purchase her lessons here.

End of Year Fun: Making Ice Cream!

Hi there!

Well we are just about there... 9 more days!  And to celebrate, my students will be making ice cream as their lab this week.  Take a look behind the scenes as I prepare for our end of year celebration!  Have a wonderful week!

Thanks for watching!

Karen (MsRazz ChemClass)

Ms. Razz is an enthusiastic chemistry teacher in New Jersey.  She often counts herself to sleep at night using molecules or by reciting Avogadro's number. (For real.) She believes that every student has the power to learn anything, even chemistry.  After all, she remembers this hustle didn't always come easy to her. She's also a Teachers Pay Teachers seller and you can view and purchase her lessons here.

Unit Menus: The POWER of Student Choice


I have had several requests for a video on my unit menus.  Finally, Here it is!  Just in time for the end of school.  I hope you will consider trying these in your classroom next year.  And as always, if you have any questions or need suggestions please do not hesitate to reach out to me.  Have a wonderfully relaxing summer break.  You earned it, teach!

Karen (MsRazz ChemClass)

Ms. Razz is an enthusiastic chemistry teacher in New Jersey.  She often counts herself to sleep at night using molecules or by reciting Avogadro's number. (For real.) She believes that every student has the power to learn anything, even chemistry.  After all, she remembers this hustle didn't always come easy to her. She's also a Teachers Pay Teachers seller and you can view and purchase her lessons here.

Engineering Design Challenge - Part 2!


Three weeks in a row with posting Vlog posts - I am on a roll!  I hope you are enjoying the "play-by-play" content from my classroom.  I am still working on my video editing skills, but I'm getting there. 

In this week's video you will see the second half of my engineering design challenge.  You will get a glimpse of my assessment strategies, the documents I provided to my students, and the materials I purchased for students to construct their prototypes.

I hope you enjoy the video.  If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment here.  Enjoy!

Ms. Razz is an enthusiastic chemistry teacher in New Jersey.  She often counts herself to sleep at night using molecules or by reciting Avogadro's number. (For real.) She believes that every student has the power to learn anything, even chemistry.  After all, she remembers this hustle didn't always come easy to her. She's also a Teachers Pay Teachers seller and you can view and purchase her lessons here.

Engineering Design Challenge - Part I


This week I decided to take a break from posting about student buy-in, and put more of a focus on my lessons for the week.  In this vlog post I invite you into my classroom where you'll find information on my use of something I call "unit menus" and how I begin my engineering project.  Both are incredibly engaging ways for students to take ownership over their learning.  Part II will be recorded next week, so to be continued...


Ms. Razz is an enthusiastic chemistry teacher in New Jersey.  She often counts herself to sleep at night using molecules or by reciting Avogadro's number. (For real.) She believes that every student has the power to learn anything, even chemistry.  After all, she remembers this hustle didn't always come easy to her. She's also a Teachers Pay Teachers seller and you can view and purchase her lessons here.

One small change to improve the student-centered learning environment - Homogeneous grouping


I hope those of you coming back from spring break are feeling well rested and ready to finish out the year with your students.  This new Vlog post identifies one small change that can make a huge difference in your student-centered learning environment.  Not only has this made a difference in the students' interactions with each other, but it has tremendously helped with their understanding of the behaviors necessary to be successful in student-centered classrooms.  Enjoy!

Ms. Razz is an enthusiastic chemistry teacher in New Jersey.  She often counts herself to sleep at night using molecules or by reciting Avogadro's number. (For real.) She believes that every student has the power to learn anything, even chemistry.  After all, she remembers this hustle didn't always come easy to her. She's also a Teachers Pay Teachers seller and you can view and purchase her lessons here.

A new series of videos - Promoting student buy-in


It is April, and as the end of the school year draws near, I finally had some time to sit and reflect on my next steps to bring you quality content.  Initially, I started my blog and YouTube channel to keep you up to date with the products I post to my Teachers Pay Teachers store.  While I will continue to do that, I think it is equally important for me to share my struggles with transitioning from a "chalk and talk" teacher, to creating a more student-centered classroom environment.  Please enjoy this vlog post that will update you on the new goals for my YouTube channel.  As always, I welcome any questions or feedback!

Ms. Razz is an enthusiastic chemistry teacher in New Jersey.  She often counts herself to sleep at night using molecules or by reciting Avogadro's number. (For real.) She believes that every student has the power to learn anything, even chemistry.  After all, she remembers this hustle didn't always come easy to her. She's also a Teachers Pay Teachers seller and you can view and purchase her lessons here.